In addition to adding three new paintings (see previous post below), I've also refreshed my site with some "new old" works. I say "new old," because many of these newly added pieces are – admittedly – oldies...but hopefully still considered goodies. (Post-holiday cleaning around the apartment prompted me to dust off the paper portfolios.)
Thankfully, there are some new projects in the coming month which I'm looking forward to adding. So stay tuned!
And now for a brief frequently-asked-question...and answer:
Q. What's up with the watermarks on your site? They're kinda distracting...and a bit ugly.
A. While I may come across as a raging egomanic by stamping my site address/copyrights onto virtually all of my web images...I've learned that, unfortunately, lots of not-so-nice people lurk the cyber community and have no qualms about stealing other people's work for actual profit & gain. Friends and loved ones would always remind me to sign my work – and a couple bouts with identity theft have only reinforced the cause for these ugly (yes, they are ugly) watermarks. By the way, I'm not trying to flatter myself by thinking that my work is even desirable enough to be taken & used just like that...but with all due respect to anyone out there, it doesn't hurt to play it a little safe in this day and age :)
To take a look at the refreshed portfolio section, please click here. Thanks for the interest & support!
Song of the Day: "Mushaboom" by Feist