Sorry I was not able to post my comic strip last week. It was pretty much ready to go – but I was busy preparing for my trip to Hong Kong.
Yep, Hong Kong!
I had the good fortune & privilege of being asked to partake in a business trip to this wonderful city with a few other people in my company. I'm staying at the Kowloon peninsula, to be more exact – and today, I was able to finally meet members of our incredible overseas staff.
It's only my third day here...and so far, I'm finding my first excursion abroad to be fresh and exciting. Still battling with jet lag issues, but it's not too difficult to get re-energized once you begin a stroll along the boardwalk and catch a firsthand glimpse of the striking Hong Kong skyline.
The little strip posted above is actually intended for last week (3/16) – and unless I'm able to find some blog-time within the next few days, this week's strip may have to wait until my return as well.
In the meantime, I'll be taking plenty of pictures...and in addition to the next strip, I hope to get a select few pics posted on this blog sooner than later.
Much love to my family and friends back home! :)
Song of the Day: "Sleeping Sun" by Coldplay
glad to know that you are enjoying hong kong....such a great city...hah.....have a safe trip
Thanks for the well wishes, Kelvin! I'm having a great time so far.
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