Happy New Year!
In celebration of 2007 (which I hope will be a healthy & prosperous one for all), I created a quick little animation...aptly titled
Happy New Year...which has been added to my site. To view, please click
It's been a while since I've played around with one of these. So allow me to also thank: my trusty ballpoint pen, a pack of scratch pads from Staples, the magic that is Photoshop and Apple iLife, and – last but not least – my family & friends who have always encouraged me to keep my love for traditional animation alive and kicking (even if it is on the back burner & remains in an amateurish state).
Please forgive me if the usage of balloons in animated shorts has become a bit trite – I just thought it might be a simple way of conveying a simple message: reaching new heights with every year that becomes of us.
Cheers :)
Word of the Day: copious
Song of the Day: "Everybody's Changing" by Keane